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the_cabanyal_twins guest blog: Lockdown life with twins
Over the past 42 days, we haven't been allowed to leave our home. At all. Spain has had a complete lockdown. We have no outdoor space and a tiny little house (by the beach, which usually makes up for the lack of garden!) Staying in this small space with 20 month old twins, a fat cat and two working parents has been a challenge in some ways but a joy in others. Some of the techniques we've adopted may only prove to be useful in a pandemic situation, so after all this is done I’m doubting that I’ll draw upon...
Pup_and_play guest blog: Open ended learning
Parenting in a pandemic, it’s a funny old thing. Life as we know it has ground to a halt yet social media sites still rush ahead in a frenzy of helpful ‘How To’s’ that can easily get us anxiety prone, guilt inclined caregivers in a spin. As a parent and educator I thought I’d got this. A chance to really put my passion into practice. But all I’ve really got is a huge sense of self-doubt and a wish-list of play items longer than the lockdown. You see, I somewhat naively started an Instagram play account. A bit late to...
School_as_a_cucumber guest blog: Maths at home
Learning happens everywhere – not just the classroom. Teachers support your little ones throughout the school day – but the learning doesn’t have to stop there! Having taught in UK primary schools for over 10 years, I have supported hundreds of parents with their concerns for continuing and supporting their children’s learning at home. I started my “school_as_a_cucumber” journey with the aim of supporting parents/carers to help their little ones with their learning – including top teaching tips, activity ideas and friendly insights into school life and learning! With a little support from you, your little ones can be learning...