Rambling dad guest blog: Leaf animals and people

Rambling dad guest blog: Leaf animals and people

photo of me and my family

Rambling Dad is an outdoor parenting blog, where I share ideas and discoveries that I hope will go someway to getting you and yours to spend more time together outside. I’m Craig Freeman. 35 year old dad of two living in Surrey, UK. I have made the outdoors a focal point of parenting. It’s where we learn, play and grow mentally, physically and literally – the vegetable patch and general garden geekery is constantly expanding! Also owner of a slightly embarrassing dog and a brute of a cat.

Leaf people

Making leaf people - parenting blogger in Surrey


I got back really late after a crazy day of meetings at work so needed a quick activity to avoid Edie going to bed too late. 

I had the idea of making something with leaves from the garden. Edie I and had a quick walk around the garden picking things that looked interesting. 

Edie decided she wanted to make a person out of them. So we did! This was our first effort. 

Then Edie rearranged it. 

I had to make a quick edit as he was a little NSFW!

It was a great activity. Very easy and engaging for Edie.

Leaf animals

The leaf people were such a success that we extended it the following evening We sourced more leaves and attempted to make animals out of them. 

Here are our somewhat bizarre looking efforts. 

Which is your favourite?

I can see us doing this nature craft activity fairly regularly especially when we go on walks. I think collecting things as we walk and making something with them at the end would be a great way to get Edie to walk further and stay engaged. 

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